Hash 2507 – One Rung Can Hare!

Hash #2507

Date: 17/06/2019

Time: 6:00 PM

Hare: One Rung Pussy Driver and possibly Flip the Tip

Location: Juffair in the dirt lot by Nazma tower.

Bring BD 2 for the run! Bring a torch cuz its dark! Most importantly bring virgins! We need virgins to Sacrifice to the hash gods!

You might need cash on trail for a beer stop so bring monies!

BH3 hareline as follows:

June 24 – just sajid and have you seen my whistle
July 1 – yousifilis
July 4 – thursday – cunnil-wont-us
July 8 – the referee
July 15 – hare needed
July 22 – hare needed
July 29 – hare needed

If you want to lay trail, speak to AssSamaLickEm!